Getting around


I’ve had bad experiences with Apple Maps, so prefer using Google Maps to get around and check transport routes.

Public Transport

The BVG app is my favorite way to buy tickets for public transport in Berlin, but you can also buy them at most stations. They don’t check often - I was only checked ~3 times in my first year living here. But if you’re caught without a ticket, it’s a hefty 60 euro fee, and the shame of having to leave the train.

Car sharing and e-scooters

I don’t drive, but there’s a ton of options for car sharing, and it seems very convenient.

E-scooters and bikes are also super nice. It’s pretty cheap to rent, the Lime brand is my favorite.

Random things to know

It’s totally normal to walk around drinking alcohol

I’ve been told it’s technically illegal? But everyone does it, there’s even a German word for Wegbeir (“walking beer”), defined as “a beer or beer-based beverage consumed by residents and tourists on the way to or from work, at a party or between places of stay.”

And on that note…

Don’t put glass bottles in the trash

Pfand is a big thing here. You can put your glass bottles next to the trash cans, and people will come and collect them to return them for money.


This was one of the hardest things to get used to, but I usually round up a couple of dollars, but not really ever more than 10%.